Do You Have A Solid Strategy For Success?

“Execution — not strategy — is where the rubber meets the road. Creativity is what gives brands their traction in the marketplace“
Marty Neumayer

I will come with a bold statement; without a strategy, you’ll have poor execution — but without execution, strategy is worth nothing. To create a plan that is based on where you are, and then have a roadmap to execute objectives along the way to achieve the end goal defined is your strategy.

So, as you know, I am all about the importance of creating a solid strategy for your brand. You need that roadmap to achieve greatness — your goals — success.

But to get there, you need to be a doer as well. To create a solid strategy, you need to be a thinker. Once that is done, you need to be a doer. Execute.

That is where the challenge kicks in. Because to execute on your roadmap, your execution needs to be given traction. Traction, meaning creativity. Your execution needs to be crystal clear in the narrative. One message that is relevant, engaging, emotional and different. You need to stand out from the crowd.

You need to find ways to package your execution in such a way that you get the attention of the people you want to buy from you.

However, this is easier said than done, because it is so easy to do something quick and easy. You’ve spent massive amounts of time (I hope) to create a solid strategy, and then when it’s time to execute — to gain traction- you half-ass it? No!

Both parts — the thinker and doer are equally important. → You can’t have one without the other if you want to succeed. So the same amount of time invested in the plan needs to be invested in the execution of the said plan. To gain traction is sadly or in reality measured by creativity. Meaning, creative execution is measured and checked against the strategy.

Believe it or not, but that is where most failures happen. Creative execution must be based on trust, which comes from being consistent, present and relevant. (Formula)

Please reflect on this point. Because it all comes down to logic and magic; brains and heart; thinkers and doers to build a legacy brand.


How do you deliver delight to your customers?


“Success Is 20% Skills And 80% Strategy.”